Pasien diabetes melllitus (DM) seringkali tidak patuh terhadap pola diet yang dianjurkan. Banyak pasien DM yang mengalami berat badan berlebih atau kurus. Ketidakpatuhan diet menyebabkan rendahnya kontrol glikemik, dan meningkatkan komplikasi, disability and mortality. Kepatuhan dipengaruhi oleh keyakinan diri/self efficacy (SE), di sisi lain program peningkatan SE terkait dietDM belum banyak diteliti. Self efficacy training (SET)mampu meningkatkan SEsehingga kepatuhan diet meningkat. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis efek SET terhadap SE dan kepatuhan diet diabetesi. Metode menggunakan quasy experiment dengan rancangan post test nonequivalent control group. Sampel kelompok intervensi dan kontrol masing-masing 48 dan 51 orang. Intervensi dilakukan sebanyak 6 sesi selama 12 hari. Hasil menunjukkan mayoritas responden adalah perempuan dengan usia 58-67 tahun. SE diukur dengan kuisioner DIET-SE dan kepatuhan dengan PDAQ Selisih nilai mean SE kelompok intervensi dan kontrol setelah perlakuan adalah 4,27 dengan p=0,000 dan selisih mean kepatuhan diet kelompok intervensi dan kontrol adalah 5,94 dengan p=0,000. Hasil uji multivariat dengan MANOVA didapatkan ada efek SETpada kedua variabel dependen yang sangat bermakna (p=0,000), namun jika dilihat dari hasil selisih mean dengan kelompok kontrol, variabel kepatuhan memiliki peningkatan nilai mean yang lebih besar dibandingkan variabel SE. Kesimpulan penelitian SET dapat meningkatkan kepatuhan diet pasien DM melalui peningkatan SE.
Kata kunci: sef efficacy training; self efficacy; kepatuhan
Diabetic Mellitus (DM) patients are often not adherent to the recommended dietary patterns. Many DM patients are overweight or underweight. Dietary adherence leads to lower glycemic control, and increases complications, disability and mortality. Adherence is influenced by self-efficacy (SE), on the other hand SE improvement programs related to DM diet has not been much studied. Self efficacy training (SET) is able to improve SE so that diet compliance increases. The objective of the study was to analyze the effects of SET on SE and adherence to the diabetic diet. The method used quasy experiment with post tes nonequivalent control group design. The sample of the intervention and control groups were each 48 1 person. Intervention conducted as much as 6 sessions for 12 days. Results showed the majority of respondents were women aged 58-67 years. SE is measured by a DIET-SE questionnaire and compliance with PDAQ. The mean difference of SE values of the intervention and control groups after treatment was 4.27 with p = 0,000 and the mean difference of dietary intervention group and intervention was 5.94 p = 0,000. The result of multivariate test with MANOVA showed that there was a SET effect on both highly significant dependent variables (p = 0.000_, but if seen from the result of mean difference with the control group, the compliance variable had higher mean value than the SE variable. Improving DM patient's compliance through SE enhancement.
Keywords: self efficacy training; self efficacy; obedience
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