JI-KES (Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan) https://journal.unhasa.ac.id/index.php/jikes <hr /> <table style="height: 189px; width: 100%;" width="100%" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"> <tbody> <tr style="height: 17px;"> <td style="height: 17px; width: 23.3808%;" width="20%">Journal title</td> <td style="height: 17px; width: 56.6192%;" width="60%"><a href="https://journal.unhasa.ac.id/index.php/jikes">JI-KES (Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan)</a></td> <td style="height: 189px; width: 20%;" rowspan="9" valign="top" width="20%"><img src="https://ojshafshawaty.ac.id/public/site/images/admin/cover-issue-32-en-us.jpg" alt="" width="905" height="1280" /></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 17px;"> <td style="height: 17px; width: 23.3808%;" width="20%">Initials</td> <td style="height: 17px; width: 56.6192%;" width="60%"><strong>JIKES</strong></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 17px;"> <td style="height: 17px; width: 23.3808%;" width="20%">Abbreviation</td> <td style="height: 17px; width: 56.6192%;" width="60%"> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 17px;"> <td style="height: 17px; width: 23.3808%;" width="20%">Frequency</td> <td style="height: 17px; width: 56.6192%;" width="60%"> <strong>2 issues per year | February &amp; August</strong></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 17px;"> <td style="height: 17px; width: 23.3808%;" width="20%">DOI</td> <td style="height: 17px; width: 56.6192%;" width="60%"><strong>Prefix 10.333006 by <img style="width: 100px;" src="http://ijain.org/public/site/images/apranolo/Crossref_Logo_Stacked_RGB_SMALL.png" alt="" /></strong></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 17px;"> <td style="height: 17px; width: 23.3808%;" width="20%">ISSN</td> <td style="height: 17px; width: 56.6192%;" width="60%"><strong><a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1490078749">2579-7913</a> (electronic)<br /></strong></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 17px;"> <td style="height: 17px; width: 23.3808%;" width="20%">Editor-in-chief</td> <td style="height: 17px; width: 56.6192%;" width="60%"><a href="https://scholar.google.co.id/citations?user=HsE3wEIAAAAJ&amp;hl=en" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Umi Narsih</a></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 35px;"> <td style="height: 35px; width: 23.3808%;" width="20%">Publisher</td> <td style="height: 35px; width: 56.6192%;" width="60%"><a href="https://unhasa.ac.id/">Universitas Hafshawaty Zainul Hasan</a></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 35px;"> <td style="height: 35px; width: 23.3808%;" width="20%">Citation Analysis</td> <td style="height: 35px; width: 56.6192%;" width="60%"><strong><a href="https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=vLgcE28AAAAJ&amp;hl=id">Google Scholar</a> | <a href="https://garuda.kemdikbud.go.id/journal/view/13523">Garuda</a></strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div align="justify"> <p> </p> </div> <p>JI-KES (Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan) is a journal that publishes research articles in the health sector including the fields of science, nursing, midwifery, public health, nutrition, pharmacy and others with ISSN <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1490078749">2579-7913</a>. JI-KES is a peer-reviewed open access journal. This peer-reviewed journal is published twice a year, in February and August, by LPPM Universitas Hafshawaty Zainul Hasan. Articles published in this journal are subjected to peer review by reviewers, who are experts in their respective fields. The Editorial Board has the authority to accept or reject articles for publication in this journal based on reviewers recommendation. The Editorial Board's final decision is final and cannot be appealed.</p> LPPM Universitas Hafshawaty Zainul Hasan Probolinggo en-US JI-KES (Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan) 2579-7913 <p>Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a> that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgment of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.</p> Family Resilience in Preventing Covid-19 Pandemic https://journal.unhasa.ac.id/index.php/jikes/article/view/784 <p><strong><em>Abstrak</em></strong></p> <p><em>Corona Virus Disease 2019 atau yang kita kenal dengan (Covid-19) telah membuat dampak yang sangat siqnifikan terhada</em><em>p </em><em>tatanan kehidupan di masyarakat ba</em><em>h</em><em>kan di seluruh dunia. Kelu</em><em>ar</em><em>ga memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalam pencegahan </em><em>C</em><em>ovid</em><em>-</em><em>19. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menyusun model ketahanan keluarga melalui keyakinan, </em><em>manajemen keluarga</em><em>, komunikasi dan kepedulian sosial dalam menghadapi Pandemi Covid</em><em>-</em><em>19. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross-sectional dengan memberikan penjelasan (explanatory research) </em><em>menggunakan</em><em> sampel dari populasi sebanyak </em><em>9</em><em>6 keluarga</em><em>. </em><em>Hasil penelitian menunju</em><em>k</em><em>kan bahwa terdapat pengaruh ketahanan keluarga </em><em>beberapa faktor diantaranya: keyakinan</em><em> d</em><em>engan nilai </em><em>14,972 (t-value &gt; 1.96), </em><em>komunikasi</em><em> d</em><em>engan nilai </em><em>13,784 (t-value &gt; 1.96), </em><em>manajemen dengan nilai</em><em> 23,071 (t-value &gt; 1.96) </em><em>dan terakhir layanan sosial</em> <em>dengan</em> <em>nilai </em><em>8,200 (t-value &gt; 1.96).</em> <em>Dengan demikian bahwa ketahanan keluarga akan sangat dipengaruhi oleh cara keluarga dalam memahami pelayanan yang diberikan oleh keluarga satu dengan anggota keluarga lainya, sehingga akan memberikan kontribusi setiap ada kondisi yang memerlukan perlakuan yang semestinya.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Kata kunci</em></strong><strong><em>: </em></strong><em>ketahanan, kepercayaan, komunikasi, manajemen, pelayanan sosial</em></p> <p> </p> <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>Corona Virus Disease 2019, often known as </em><em>Covid-19, has had a profound effect on society, even globally, including Indonesia. The family is the smallest entity that interacts directly with the people in it; hence, it plays a crucial role in preventing Covid-19. This study employs a cross-sectional design, which involves selecting a sample of 96 households from a population and employing a questionnaire as a tool for gathering fundamental information by examining the impact of the four variables—belief, management, communication, and social services—on the resilience of families during the Covid-19 pandemic. The results show that there is a relationship between family resilience and family beliefs during the Covid-19 pandemic with a t-statistic value of 14,972 (t-value &gt; 1.96), family resilience and family communication with a t-statistic value of 13,784 (t-value &gt; 1.96), family resilience and family management with a t-value of 23,071 (t-value &gt; 1.96) and the last family resilience and social services with a t-statistic value of 8,200 (t-value &gt; 1.96). Thus, family resilience will be greatly influenced by the way of how the family understands the services provided among family members, so that it will contribute whenever there are conditions that require proper treatment.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Resilience</em><em>,</em> <em>Belief, Communication, Management, Social Services</em></p> Nur Hamim Widya Addiarto Nafolion Nur Rahmat Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Hamim, Widya Addiarto, Nafolion Nur Rahmat https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-08-03 2024-08-03 8 1 1 8 10.33006/jikes.v8i1.784 Online Registration Impact on Patient Satisfaction at Bhayangkara Bondowoso Hospital https://journal.unhasa.ac.id/index.php/jikes/article/view/780 <p><strong><em>Abstrak</em></strong></p> <p><em>Inovasi teknologi informasi dalam layanan kesehatan telah mengubah pola perilaku pasien dan manajemen sistem kesehatan, aplikasi pendaftaran online di rumah sakit meningkatkan akses dan kepuasan pasien</em><em>.A</em><em>plikasi registrasi online telah menjadi inovasi penting untuk meningkatkan aksesibilitas dan efisiensi dalam registrasi pasien. Penelitian ini berfokus pada aspek kualitas informasi, layanan, penggunaan, dan kualitas sistem aplikasi untuk memahami dampaknya terhadap kepuasan pasien. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif analitik korelasional di Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara, Bondowoso, menggunakan purposive sampling untuk memilih 200 dari 1.152 pasien rawat jalan yang memakai aplikasi pendaftaran online. Analisis data dilakukan dengan Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) menggunakan Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) dan Multiple Regression Analysis</em><em> (MRA)</em><em> untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh kualitas informasi, sistem, penggunaan, dan layanan terhadap kepuasan pasien. </em><em>Hasil penelitian</em> <em>menunjukkan</em><em> semua variabel independent berpengaruh positif dengan pengaruh terbesar pada variabel X4 (Kualitas Pelayanan) dengan koefisien regresi 0,44, disusul variabel X1 (Kualitas informasi) dengan koefisien regresi 0,376, variabel X3 (Penggunaan) dengan koefisien regresi 0,202 dan </em><em>v</em><em>ariabel X2 (Kualitas Sistem) dengan koefisien regresi 0,083</em><em>. </em><em>Penelitian ini memberikan implikasi </em><em>untuk meningkatkan </em><em>kepuasan pasien dan efisiensi pendaftaran pasien</em> <em>secara keseluruhan.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Kata kunci:</em></strong> a<em>nalisis aplikasi, pendaftaran online, kepuasan pasien, rumah sakit</em></p> <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>Information technology innovations in healthcare have changed patient behavior patterns and health system management, online registration applications in hospitals improving patient access and satisfaction.</em><em> O</em><em>nline registration applications has become a crucial innovation to improve accessibility and efficiency in patient registration. This study focuses on the aspects of information quality, service, usage, and application system quality to understand their impact on patient satisfaction. This research </em><em>was</em><em> a correlational analytical descriptive study at Bhayangkara Hospital, Bondowoso, using purposive sampling to select 200 </em><em>from</em><em> 1,152 outpatients who used the Online Registration Application. Data analysis was carried </em><em>by</em><em> Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Multiple Regression Analysis </em><em>(MRA) </em><em>to evaluate the influence of information quality, systems, use and services on patient satisfaction.</em><em>The</em><em> finding</em><em>s</em> <em>showed a</em><em>ll independent variables have a positive influence, with the greatest impact from </em><em>v</em><em>ariable X4 (Service Quality) with a regression coefficient of 0.44, followed by </em><em>v</em><em>ariable X1 (Information Quality) with a regression coefficient of 0.376, </em><em>v</em><em>ariable X3 (Usage) with a regression coefficient of 0.202, and </em><em>v</em><em>ariable X2 (System Quality) with a regression coefficient of 0.083. This research provides implications</em> <em>to improve </em><em>overall </em><em>patient satisfaction and efficiency of patient registration</em><em>.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong> a<em>pplication analysis, online registration, patient satisfaction, hospital</em></p> Heri Budiono Herniyati FX Ady Soesetio Dwi Prijatmoko Bayu Taruna Widjaja Putra Copyright (c) 2024 Heri Budiono, Herniyati, FX Ady Soesetio, Dwi Prijatmoko, Bayu Taruna Widjaja Putra https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-08-04 2024-08-04 8 1 9 17 10.33006/jikes.v8i1.780 Pengaruh Pelatihan dan Penghargaan terhadap Perilaku Response Time melalui Self Efficacy Perawat IGD https://journal.unhasa.ac.id/index.php/jikes/article/view/786 <p><strong><em>Abstrak </em></strong></p> <p><em>Salah satu indikator kualitas pelayanan di Unit Gawat Darurat adalah angka kematian. Salah satu penyebab tingginya angka mortalitas adalah perilaku waktu tanggap petugas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan dan penghargaan terhadap perilaku waktu tanggap melalui efikasi diri. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah cross sectional. Sampel penelitian adalah perawat IGD rumah sakit tipe B di Jawa Timur sebanyak 102 orang dengan teknik pengambilan sampel total sampling. Variabel penelitian terdiri dari pelatihan, penghargaan, perilaku waktu tanggap, dan efikasi diri. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskripsi, dan analisis inferensial menggunakan Structural Equation Model (SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas responden berusia 18-40 tahun dengan persentase 75%, sebagian besar responden berjenis kelamin laki-laki dengan persentase 69,6%, dan pendidikan terakhir yang paling banyak adalah perawat dengan persentase 64,7%. Hasil uji hipotesis menggunakan SmartPLS menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan berpengaruh positif terhadap perilaku waktu tanggap melalui efikasi diri dengan nilai p-values sebesar 0,011. Sementara itu, penghargaan berpengaruh positif terhadap perilaku response time melalui self-efficacy dengan nilai p-values sebesar 0,004. Upaya peningkatan efikasi diri dilakukan untuk meningkatkan perilaku waktu tanggap petugas.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Kata Kunci:</em></strong><em> pelatihan, penghargaan, self efficacy, perilaku </em><em>response time</em></p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><strong><em>Abstract </em></strong></p> <p><em>One of the indicators of service quality in the Emergency Department is mortality. One of the causes of the high mortality rate is the response time behavior of officers. This study aimed to identify the effect of training and appreciation on response time behavior through self-efficacy. The research method used was cross-sectional. The research sample was emergency room nurses of type B hospitals in East Java as many as 102 people with total sampling technique. Variables of the study consist of training, awards, response time behavior, and self -efficacy. The research instrument used a questionnaire. Data analysis applied description analysis, and inferential analysis used Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results showed that the majority of respondents aged 18-40 years old with 75%, most of the respondents were male with 69.6%, and the common education was nurse with 64.7%. The results of hypothesis test using SmartPLS showed that training has a positive effect on response time behavior through self-efficacy with p-values of 0.011. Meanwhile, the award has a positive effect on response time behavior through self-efficacy with p-values of 0.004. The efforts to increase self-efficacy were made to improve officers’ response time behavior.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> training, awards, self efficacy, response time behavior</em></p> Sugito Tri Gunarto Rondhianto Dodi Wijaya Copyright (c) 2024 Sugito Tri Gunarto, Rondhianto, Dodi Wijaya https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-08-04 2024-08-04 8 1 18 29 10.33006/jikes.v8i1.786 Identifikasi Flavonoid Ekstrak Kulit Buah Naga Merah (Hylocereus polyrhizus) secara Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (KLT) dengan Pelarut Etanol 96% dan Metanol 96% https://journal.unhasa.ac.id/index.php/jikes/article/view/792 <p><strong><em>Abstrak </em></strong><strong><em> </em></strong></p> <p><em>Kulit buah naga merah mengandung serat, antioksidan, dan senyawa bioaktif diantaranya senyawa flavonoid yang berkhasiat sebagai antioksidan. </em><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan pelarut etanol 96% dan metanol 96% dalam mengekstraksi flavonoid dalam kulit buah naga merah. Serbuk kulit buah naga merah diekstraksi dengan metode maserasi. Ekstrak kulit buah naga merah dianalisis secara kualitatif dengan metode kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT). Hasil penelitian skrining flavonoid menunjukkan ekstrak etanol 96% dan metanol 96% kulit buah naga merah yang ditetesi pereaksi </em> <em>menunjukkan perubahan warna ekstrak menjadi warna hijau kehitaman. Pada hasil KLT menunjukkan adanya noda berwarna kuning lembayung dan didapatkan nilai Rf ekstrak etanol 96% kulit buah naga merah sebesar 0,92 dan ekstrak metanol 96% sebesar 0,95; pada standar pembanding (kuersetin) didapatkan nilai sebesar 0,87. Dari hasil nilai Rf menunjukkan adanya kandungan senyawa flavonoid pada ekstrak kulit buah naga merah. Kesimpulan pelarut etanol 96% dan metanol 96% </em><em>mampu mengekstraksi flavonoid kulit buah naga merah secara kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT).</em></p> <p><strong><em>Kata kunci: </em></strong><em>flavonoid, KLT, kulit buah naga merah, maserasi, nilai faktor retensi (Rf)</em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <p><strong><em>Abstract </em></strong><strong><em> </em></strong></p> <p><em>The red dragon fruit peel contains fiber, antioxidants and bioactive compounds, including flavonoid compounds which have antioxidant properties.</em> <em>This research aims to determine the ability of 96% ethanol and 96% methanol solvents to extract flavonoids.</em> <em>Red dragon fruit peel powder was extracted using ethanol and methanol with the maceration. Red dragon fruit peel extract was analyzed qualitatively using the thin layer chromatography (TLC) method. The results of the flavonoid screening research showed that</em> <em>both methanol and ethanol extract of red dragon peel contained flavonoid according to color change after FeCl<sub>3</sub> addition</em><em> showed a change in the color of the extract to blackish green.</em> <em>The TLC results showed that there were purple yellow stains and the Rf value of 96% ethanol extract of red dragon fruit peel was 0.92 and 96% methanol extract was 0.95 the comparison standard (quercetin) obtained a value of 0.87. From the results of the Rf value, it shows that there are flavonoid compounds in red dragon fruit peel extract.</em> <em>It can be concluded that</em><em> 96% ethanol and 96% methanol solvents are able to extract red dragon fruit peel flavonoids using the thin layer chromatography (TLC).</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>f</em><em>lavonoids,</em><em> TLC</em><em>,</em> <em>red dragon fruit,</em><em> maceration</em><em>, retention factor value </em><em>(</em><em>Rf</em><em>) </em></p> Riatul Maulia Hasanah Umi Narsih Fahmi Dimas Abdul Azis Copyright (c) 2024 Riatul Maulia Hasanah, Umi Narsih, Fahmi Dimas abdul aziz https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-08-06 2024-08-06 8 1 30 37 10.33006/jikes.v8i1.792 Behavior Intention Pulmonary Specialist Patients Based on Analysis Types of Brand Association https://journal.unhasa.ac.id/index.php/jikes/article/view/787 <p><strong><em>Abstrak</em></strong></p> <p><em>Mutu pelayanan merupakan fokus rumah sakit dalam menghadapi globalisasi serta persaingan</em><em>.</em><em> Kunjungan adalah salah satu indikator mutu pelayanan rawat jalan. Types of brand association merupakan dimensi brand image yang digunakan menilai mutu produk. Penilaian types of brand association yang baik akan mempengaruhi Behaviour intention konsumen untuk pemanfaatan ulang pelayanan rumah sakit. Kunjungan poli spesialis paru di Rumah Sakit Islam Sakinah Mojokerto mengalami penuruan sebesar 16%. Penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh types of brand association terhadap Behaviour intention.</em><em>I</em><em>ni merupakan penelitian deskriptif-analitik dengan desain cross-sectional study. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 72 sampel, dengan teknik simple random sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar berjenis kelamin perempuan, berada pada kategori usia &gt; 46 tahun, dengan tingkat pendidikan menengah. Types of brand association meliputi attribute product, attribute nonproduct, dan benefit sudah baik. Behaviour intention pasien sudah baik. Attribute product dan attribute nonproduct berpengaruh terhadap Behaviour intention. Benefit tidak berpengaruh terhadap Behaviour intention. Types of brand association yang baik menjadi salah satu cara rumah sakit untuk meningkatkan Behaviour intention dalam memanfaatkan pelayanan rumah sakit </em><em>agar </em><em>kunjungan pasien</em><em> meningkat</em><em>. </em><em>S</em><em>ecara keseluruhan types of brand association memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap Behaviour intention.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Kata kunci: </em></strong><em>types of brand association, </em><em>behaviour intention</em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <p><strong><em>Abstract </em></strong></p> <p><em>Service quality is the focus of hospitals in the face of globalization and competition. Visits are one indicator of the quality of outpatient services. Good types of brand associations can affect consumer Behaviour intention towards hospital services. Patient visits to the pulmonary specialist clinic at the Sakinah Mojokerto Islamic Hospital have decreased by 16%. This study aimed to analyze the effect of types of brand association on Behaviour intention. This research is descriptive-analytic research with a cross-sectional study design. The research sample amounted to 72 samples, with a simple random sampling technique. The research data were analyzed with multiple linear regression tests. The results showed that the respondents were mostly female, in the age category &gt;46 years, with a secondary education level. Types of brand association include attribute product, attribute nonproduct, and benefit are good. The patient's Behaviour intention is good. Attribute products and attribute nonproducts influence Behaviour intention. Benefits do not influence Behaviour intention. Types of good brand association are one way for hospitals to increase Behaviour intention in reusing hospital services </em><em>to</em><em> increas</em><em>e</em><em> patient visits. </em><em>O</em><em>verall Types of brand association have a significant influence on Behaviour intention</em><em>.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>types of brand association, </em><em>behaviour intention</em></p> Puryanti Serlly Frida Drastyana Anif Prasetyorini Achmad Djunawan Copyright (c) 2024 Puryanti, Serlly Frida Drastyana, Anif Prasetyorini, Achmad Djunawan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-08-08 2024-08-08 8 1 38 45 10.33006/jikes.v8i1.787 Pengaruh Keteladanan, Komunikasi dan Konsiderasi Kepala Ruangan terhadap Kinerja Perawat Ruang Rawat Inap di Rumah Sakit Tipe C Kabupaten Jember https://journal.unhasa.ac.id/index.php/jikes/article/view/783 <p><strong><em>Abstrak</em></strong></p> <p><em>Kinerja perawat merupakan unsur penting dalam mewujudkan pelayanan kesehatan yang berkualitas di rumah sakit</em><em>. Jumlah dan peran perawat yang dominan di tingkat pelayanan kesehatan menjadi bukti riilnya. Terwujudnya layanan keperawatan yang berkualitas harus didukung oleh kepala ruang dalam memberikan keteladanan, kemampuan berkomunikasi, dan konsiderasi. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh </em><em>keteladanan, komunikasi, dan konsiderasi kepala ruangan dengan kinerja perawat ruang rawat inap di rumah sakit tipe C di Kabupaten Jember. </em><em>Desain penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional</em><em>. Populasi penelitian adalah perawat pelaksana yang bekerja di dua rumah sakit tipe C di Kabupaten Jember. Sampel penelitian 128 perawat pelaksana menggunakan rumus Slovin, secara purposive sampling dengan kriteria masa kerja minimal 1 tahun dan bersedia menjadi responden. Variabel independen adalah keteladanan, komunikasi, dan konsiderasi kepala ruang. Variabel dependen adalah kinerja perawat pelaksana. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner yang telah diuji validitasnya dan reliabilitasnya, dan analisis data menggunakan uji statistik regresi linier ganda </em><em>a</em><em>= 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keteladanan, komunikasi dan konsiderasi kepala ruang rawat inap berpengaruh terhadap kinerja perawat pelaksana dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan (pvalue= 0,000; </em><em>a</em><em>= 0,05). Keteladanan, komunikasi dan konsiderasi kepala ruang rawat inap berperan penting dalam meningkatkan kinerja perawat. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Kata kunci:</em></strong><em> kepala ruang, keteladanan, kinerja, komunikasi, konsiderasi, perawat pelaksana</em></p> <p> </p> <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>The performance of nurses plays a crucial role in delivering quality health services in hospitals, and their dominant presence at the health service level provides tangible evidence</em><em>. This study aims to determine the effect of exemplary, communication, and consideration of the head nurse with the performance of inpatient room nurses in type c hospitals in Jember. </em><em>This study employed a quantitative research design with a cross-sectional approach, focusing on associate nurses of two type C hospital</em><em>. </em><em>The sample consisted of 128 associate nurses, determined using the Slovin formula and selected through purposive sampling based on a minimum one-year working experience and willingness to participate as respondents</em><em>. </em><em>The study examined the impact of exemplary communication and consideration by head nurses on the performance of associate nurses.</em><em> Data collection using a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability, and data analysis using multiple linear regression statistical test </em><em>a</em><em>= 0.05. The results showed that exemplary, communication and consideration of the head of the inpatient room affect the performance of associate nurses in providing nursing care (pvalue= 0.000; </em><em>a</em><em>= 0.05). Exemplary, communication and consideration of the head of the inpatient ward have an important role in improving nurse performance.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> head nurse, exemplary, performance, communication, consideration, associate nurses</em></p> Asmuji Luh Titi Handayani Komarudin Copyright (c) 2024 Asmuji, Luh Titi Handayani, Komarudin https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-08-08 2024-08-08 8 1 46 55 10.33006/jikes.v8i1.783 Efektifitas Program Inovasi Pencegahan Stunting menuju Banyuwangi Zero Stunting https://journal.unhasa.ac.id/index.php/jikes/article/view/778 <p><strong><em>Abstrak </em></strong></p> <p><em>Salah satu kunci pembangunan kesehatan adalah menurunnya prevalensi angka stunting pada anak. Stunting suatu gangguan pertumbuhan yang tidak dapat diubah diakibatkan oleh asupan nutrisi yang tidak mencukupi kebutuhan tubuh. Pemerintah Indonesia berupaya memberantas stunting dengan mencanangkan berbagai program inovasi. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis angka stunting sebelum dan sesudah program inovasi serta mengan</em><em>a</em><em>lisis tantangan penanganan stunting dan efektifitas program inovasi pencegahan stunting. Desain penelitian menggunakan mix design kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Desain </em><em>c</em><em>ross </em><em>s</em><em>ectional untuk kuantitatif. Populasi puskesmas, kecamatan dan desa di wilayah </em><em>K</em><em>abupaten </em><em>B</em><em>anyuwangi yang mempunyai program inovasi penanganan stunting. Teknik sampling menggunakan simple random sampling dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner serta observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil analisis menggunakan Uji Chi-square, didapatkan nilai lebih kecil dari α = 0</em><em>,</em><em>05 hanya pada variabel pelaksanaan (proses) yaitu 0</em><em>,</em><em>015. Program kesehatan merupakan sebuah framework yang digunakan untuk menjalani sebuah perubahan dalam masalah kesehatan. Sebuah program yang baik berfokus inovasi progra</em><em>m,</em> <em>perencanaan</em> <em>dan</em><em> pelaksanaan program yang dilakukan </em><em>dengan benar </em><em>sehingga membawa dampak atau perubahan pada hasil akhirnya. Program inovasi pencegahan stunting di </em><em>K</em><em>abupaten </em><em>B</em><em>anyuwangi tahun 2023 sudah efektif ditandai dengan penurunan angka stunting secara global di Kabupaten Banyuwangi sekitar 2,4%.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Kata kunci: </em></strong><em>Balita, Inovasi Program, Stunting</em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>Health development is reducing prevalence of stunting in children. Stunting is considered an irreversible growth disorder caused by inadequate nutritional intake. Indonesian government has attempted to eradicate stunting by launching various innovation programs. The research aims to analyze the stunting rate before and after program, the challenges of handling stunting and the effectiveness of it. The research design used mix design, with Cross Sectional and phenomenal design. Population of community health centers at Banyuwangi that have innovation programs for handling stunting. The sampling technique uses simple random sampling with data collection techniques using questionnaires, observation and in-depth interviews. The analysis results used the Chi-square test. The results of the analysis show p value &lt;α only for the implementation (process) variable, namely 0.015. </em><em>Health program is a framework used to undergo changes in health problems. A good program focus on how well is the program innovation created, planned, and implemented so it brings impact to the final results</em><em>. The stunting prevention innovation program in Banyuwangi Regency in 2023 has been effective, marked by a reduction in the global stunting rate in Banyuwangi Regency by around 2.4%.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>toddler, program innovation, stunting</em></p> Firdawsyi Nuzula Tria Eni Rafika Devi Haswita Rizky Dwiyanti Yunita Copyright (c) 2024 Firdawsyi Nuzula, Tria Eni Rafika Devi, Haswita, Rizky Dwiyanti Yunita https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-08-11 2024-08-11 8 1 56 66 10.33006/jikes.v8i1.778 Efektivitas Antibakteri Kombinasi Ekstrak Daun Binahong (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis) dan Keji Beling (Strobilanthes crispus Blume) terhadap Escherichia coli pada Ulkus Diabetikum https://journal.unhasa.ac.id/index.php/jikes/article/view/790 <p><strong><em>Abstrak</em></strong></p> <p><em>Ulkus diabetikum merupakan komplikasi kronik diabetes melitus tipe 2. Salah satu bakteri penyerta yang menginvasif ulkus diabetikum adalah Escherichia coli. Daun binahong </em><em>(Anredera cordifolia </em><em>(Ten.) Steenis</em><em>) </em><em>dan daun keji beling (Strobilanthes crispus Blume.) berpotensi sebagai antibakteri alami karena kandungan senyawa bioaktifnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas antibakteri kombinasi ekstrak daun binahong dan keji beling terhadap </em><em>Escherichia coli</em><em>. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah true experimental menggunakan kombinasi ekstrak perbandingan 1:1 dengan variasi konsentrasi 25%, 50%, 75%, dan 100%. Setiap konsentrasi diuji efektivitasnya terhadap Escherichia coli menggunakan metode difusi Kirby Bauer dengan kontrol positif Ciprofloxacin </em><em>5 µg dan kontrol negatif aquadest steril</em><em>. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji One Way ANOVA dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh kombinasi ekstrak terhadap penghambatan pertumbuhan Escherichia coli. Konsentrasi yang paling efektif dari kombinasi ekstrak adalah 100% sebesar 10,50 mm dan efektivitasnya sebesar 36,84% dengan kontrol positif Ciprofloxacin </em><em>5 µg sebesar 28,50 mm. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kombinasi ekstrak </em><em>daun </em><em>binahong dan daun keji beling memiliki potensi sebagai antibakteri alami terhadap Escherichia coli, namun potensinya masih di bawah </em><em>Ciprofloxacin</em> <em>5 µg.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Kata kunci: </em></strong><em>efektivitas antibakteri, Escherichia coli, ulkus diabetikum</em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <p><strong><em>Abstract </em></strong></p> <p><em>Diabetic ulcer is a chronic complication of type 2 diabetes mellitus. One of the accompanying bacteria invading diabetic ulcers is Escherichia coli. Binahong leaf (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis) and keji beling leaf (Strobilanthes crispus BIume) have potential as natural antibacterials. This study aims to determine the antibacterial effectiveness of combination binahong and keji beling leaf extracts against Escherichia coli. The type of research used is true experimental using a combination of extracts in a 1:1 ratio with concentration variations of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%. Each concentration was tested for effectiveness against Escherichia coli using the Kirby Bauer diffusion method with positive control Ciprofloxacin 5 µg and negative control sterile aquadest. Data analysis used was One Way ANOVA Test and continued with Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results showed that there was an effect of combination extracts to inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli. The most effective concentration is 100% at 10.50 mm, and its effectiveness is 36.84% with positive control Ciprofloxacin 5 µg at 28.50 mm. It can be concluded that the combination of binahong and keji beling extracts has potential as a natural antibacterial against Escherichia coli, but its potential is still below Ciprofloxacin 5 µg.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>antibacterial effectiveness, Escherichia coli, diabetic ulcer</em></p> Deva Amelia Dwi Pramesti Tiara Dini Harlita Ganea Qorry Aina Copyright (c) 2024 Deva Amelia Dwi Pramesti, Tiara Dini Harlita, Ganea Qorry Aina https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-08-21 2024-08-21 8 1 67 75 10.33006/jikes.v8i1.790