Evaluasi Kualitas Sediaan Packed Red Cells Hasil Pemrosesan Metode Top and Top
Sediaan packed red cells dapat diperoleh melalui beberapa metode pemrosesan di antaranya adalah metode top and top, top and bottom serta leukodepleted. Di antara ketiga metode tersebut metode top and top adalah metode yang paling banyak digunakan di berbagai unit pelayanan darah. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan evaluasi kualitas packed red cells metode top and top dengan parameter uji kadar hemoglobin, residual leukosit, hematokrit dan pH darah. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasional. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa rerata kadar hemoglobin diperoleh sebesar 49,02±5,51gram/unit, telah melebihi standar minimal hemoglobin yaitu 45gram/ unit. Selaras dengan kadar hemoglobin, kadar hematokrit juga berada pada kisaran ideal 65-75% dengan rerata kadar hematokrit sebesar 70,45±5,36%. Nilai pH darah kantong terukur berada pada rentangan 7,348±0,064, nilai ini sesuai dengan kriteria packed red cells yang baik yaitu memiliki kadar pH>6,71. Adapun parameter yang belum sesuai dengan standar adalah kadar residual leukosit. Packed red cells yang baik seharusnya memiliki residual leukosit <1,2x109sel/unit sedangkan pada penelitian ini diperoleh rerata residual leukosit sebesar (3,66±0,41)x109sel/unit yang menunjukkan jumlah leukosit tertinggal masih berada pada jumlah yang cukup banyak. Berdasarkan evaluasi yang dilakukan dapat dinyatakan bahwa packed red cells hasil pemrosesan top and top memiliki kualitas baik dari segi kadar hemoglobin, hematokrit dan pH darah namun kurang baik ditinjau dari level residual leukositnya.
Kata kunci: hemoglobin, hematokrit, ph darah, packed red cells, residual leukosit
Packed red cells(PRC) could be obtained by several processing methods such as top and top, top and bottom and leuko-depleted methods. However, the most widely used method in the blood service unit is the top and top method. Therefore, this research was conducted to evaluate the quality of PRC produced from the top and top method with the haemoglobin level, leukocytes residual, hematocrit, and blood pH parameters. The research method used is observational. In addition, this study was performed to know the QC standard accomplishment. The results showed that the average haemoglobin level was 49,02±5,51gram/unit and reached the minimum (45gram/unit). The average of hematocrit also reached the minimum standard (65-75%) since it obtained 70,45±5,36%. The pH also had included in the sufficient criteria since it had 7,348±0,064, as pH needs to be >6,71. However, the level of the residual leukocyte had not reached the minimum standard yet (1,2x109cells/unit) since the residual leukocytes of PRC in this research were obtained (3,66±0,41)x109cells/unit. It showed that there were a high proportion of leukocytes left. Overall, based on the evaluation, it was concluded that the PRC produced from the top and top method had better quality in the haemoglobin level, hematocrit, and pH but not in the residual leukocyte level.
 Keywords: hemoglobin, hematocrit, blood pH, packed red cells, residual leukocytes Â
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